Are You As Ready for Retirement

as You Think You Are?

Find out at this free
Retirement Planning Seminar

Thursday, August 1st, 2024

6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Bellevue, WA


Courtyard by Marriott

Seattle Bellevue/Downtown

11010 NE 8th St, Bellevue

WA 98004

Easy to find. Free to park.

11010 NE 8th St, Bellevue, WA 98004, USA

Why It's So Important to Attend

This seminar explains why the planning you've already done may not be enough to answer ALL the questions that can come up during retirement.

Most Americans go into retirement thinking that a financial plan, Medicare coverage, an estate plan, and long-term care insurance will be enough to deliver their dream retirement. If your health fails, it won't! You can have millions in your retirement fund, but still end up forced into a care facility against your will. You can have long-term care insurance and still lose assets (or go broke) paying for care. You can have all the legal documents experts recommend and still create massive burdens (and difficult conflicts) for your family.

Extend the Life of Your Retirement Dreams

If your goal in retirement is to age with dignity at home, without running out of money, and without asking loved ones to serve as your unpaid caregivers, traditional retirement planning advice won't deliver the results you want. In fact, only 30% of Americans who follow traditional retirement planning advice take their last breath at home. Those are terrible results!

If you are serious about staying in control throughout your retirement, there is a way to achieve all your goals. This seminar explains how to do it.

  • Stay in control, even if you get sick.

  • Live out your years in the home you choose.

  • Give your loved ones the tools they need to keep you out of institutional care.

  • Make financial decisions with more confidence.

  • Avoid going broke paying for uncovered medical and long-term care expenses.

  • Keep your assets from ending up in the wrong hands - during your life and after you're gone.

  • Give your family detailed instructions about how to manage your affairs.

  • Avoid becoming a burden on loved ones.

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Meet the Presenter

Rajiv Nagaich, J.D. L.L.M. is an elder law attorney and the founding partner of Life Point Law, an elder law and estate planning firm in Federal Way, WA. He is a nationally known thought leader in the area of retirement planning whose innovations have transformed the way millions of Americans (and the professionals who guide them) plan for and navigate through the retirement years. Rajiv Nagaich is the author of Your Retirement: Dream or Disaster, an international bestseller released in 2023. He is host of The AgingOptions Radio Show, which has aired every Saturday in the Seattle area for more than 20 years. He is host of two popular public television specials: Master Your Future, which aired from 2020 - 2022, and The Path to Happily Ever After, currently airing on PBS stations nationwide. Rajiv Nagaich has received wide praise for his work, especially from his peers. He was inducted as a Fellow by the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA) in 2014. He is a three-time NAELA Pacesetter Award winner and a commissioner at the Law and Aging Commission at the American Bar Association.

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